ESG – Environmental and Social Governance

A business that is committed to ESG has a duty to shareholders and investors to both make a profit and do the right thing for the environment. Companies are becoming more ambitious in their sustainability efforts and we are working with them, using our proven experience and innovation to ensure the greatest environmental, economic and social impact

We go beyond simply helping companies comply with environmental regulations. We measure a company’s environmental performance and take steps to make it better.

  • Carbon footprint
  • Air and water pollution
  • Green energy initiatives
  • Energy efficiency
  • Toxic chemicals
  • Waste management

The arena of “sustainable” has a lot of gray areas. Plenty of people think they are utilizing or investing in companies that match their values when in reality, they aren’t. It is really easy to place the ESG label onto a company and assume no one is peeking behind the curtain. However, consumers and investors are getting smarter. They want to see evidence that companies are behaving in an environmentally friendly, socially responsible way.

ESG is about doing the right thing.  We help companies do the right thing for the environment.