In light of the current environment surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Ambipar Response EMS, Inc. (EMS) has instituted this Policy to protect the health and well being of our employees and clients. We are currently monitoring news and reports from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and State and Local agencies where our projects are located, and keeping all employees up to date with the changing circumstances. EMS has taken proactive steps to help ensure EMS staff stays healthy to provide services considered essential to our clients. EMS will observe each client’s COVID-19 response requirements as necessary.
Additionally, EMS has implemented the following procedures:
EMS office staff will work remotely to minimize contact between staff members. In person meetings will be held only if deemed critical to support our client’s essential needs. All meeting attendees will comply with the CDC’s recommendations for social distancing and all meetings will be limited to essential staff only. EMS has instituted a temporary ban on all business air travel, all business travel outside the United States, and all non-essential domestic business travel. All field work which has been deemed critical or essential will be performed with strict compliance with the CDCs social distancing rules.
No EMS staff members will be permitted to work if:
– the work is not deemed essential, or the personnel are not essential to the activity;
– they have traveled by air, been outside the Continental United States, or have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus in the prior 14 day period;
– they are visibly ill with symptoms associated with Coronavirus according to CDC and WHO guidelines, or have tested positive for COVID-19.
EMS safety officers are monitoring the CDC website on a regular basis and will update all employees on new developments and guidelines. If a staff member becomes ill, exhibits signs of the flu or COVID-19, or has received a positive result from a COVID-19 test, and is removed from work duties, they will be instructed to observe the isolation and quarantine guidelines established by the CDC and state and local health departments.
They will not be allowed to return to work until:
– they have been symptom-free for 14 days and observed the CDC prescribed quarantine and isolation protocols;
– have tested negative for COVID-19; or
– have been medically cleared by a licensed physician.
Again, EMS is committed to the health and safety of our employees, clients and community and doing our part in stopping the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, we are committed to adhering to the COVID-19 response requirements that have been established by all of our clients. If additional information is required, please contact your local Officer Manager.